Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Areas of Institute’s Activity:

– Scientific and research area carries out the study of cultural artifacts of world and Ukrainian culture, reproducing a holistic picture of the mankind spiritual culture.

– Publishing area issues materials of annual conferences, results of cultural studies and materials of scientific discussions;

– Public awareness activities are aimed at distribution and popularization of cultural achievements related to the artistic heritage of Dnipropetrovsk region, Eastern and Western world cultures. This activity is realized through regular art exhibitions, creative meetings with representatives of various arts of the region and the country, music lectures-concerts etc.

– Educational activities are aimed at the study of the latest forms and methods of modern pedagogy, as well as the integration of spiritual values in the modern educational process;

– Social and psychological activity is aimed at the formation of the psychological culture of modern man, the development of his communication skills on the basis of ethics of non-violence.

Activity of the Institute is designed for both scientific and professional level of cultural researchers and a wide range of various population representatives interested in culture and spirituality.

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