Annual Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference "Spiritual Aspects of Contemporary World Understanding" devoted to the 129th anniversary of memory of H. P. Blavatsky, May 8, 2020, Dnipro The modern world has already realized the need for radical changes in its existence, the prospect of which is the spiritual values that are preserved in the depths of ancient wisdom. The legacy and activities of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who was born in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnipro) and became known to the whole world, is of great importance both for the domestic culture and for humanity as a whole. Her work is distinguished by the syncretic unity of ancient wisdom, the achievements of world science, philosophy, religious teachings and worldview predictions of the future. The question of unity and synthesis, are the leading ideas of the theosophical activity and Blavatsky heritage, requested by the present, which seeks to consolidate society on the basis of universal values. Since 1991, in Dnipro (former Yekaterynoslav) annual scientific conferences dedicated to understanding the personality, activity and theosophical creativity of our fellow countryman are held. Philosophers, theosophists, culturologists, historians, scientists of the humanitarian and technical sciences are making efforts to define the productive ideas of the Blavatsky teaching for the modern world outlook. The theme of the 2020 conference is dedicated to the current issues of consciousness in the context of the theosophical, philosophical, ecological, aesthetic, socio-political and philosophical aspects of their solution. H.P. Blavatsky heritage having many aspects became the subject of scientific reflection from the aesthetic, ethical and philosophical perspective, which is creatively presented in the views of the conference participants, whose reports are provided both in Ukrainian and English.
International Scientific Seminar on "Basic Income: Theory and Practice"
May 5-6, 2020
The concept of Basic Income, based on the theoretical foundations of the socio-philosophical teachings of Thomas More, Thomas Payne, Clifford Douglas and many other thinkers of previous centuries, at the beginning of the XXI century is becoming increasingly relevant and in demand in modern social space. The Basic Income is not only an economic theory, but also a new worldview dimension of the society of the future, in which a person should be able to maximize their best abilities and get closer to a harmonious existence. The first decades of the XXI century have exacerbated the problem of human survival in the economic, environmental and global systemic crisis, which requires not situational but radical changes in the worldview of humanity. The urgency of addressing the concept of Basic Income in Ukraine is exacerbated by the current state of the economy and politics, which needs substantial renewal in the global crisis and global pandemic. With the support of Maurice and Jennifer Bisheff (USA), the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogics of Dnipro University of Technology initiated the first in Ukraine International Scientific Seminar on "Basic Income: Theory and Practice", which aims to introduce the main ideas and principles of Basic Income and the formation of a research environment to understand the possibilities and prospects for the implementation of this concept against the background of Ukrainian society.![]() Proceedings of the annual presentations at scientifico-practical conference "H.P. Blavatsky and Contemporaneity", May 8, 2015, Department of Philosophy and Pedagogics, State HEI "National Mining University". Theme: "Spiritual Aspects of Contemporary Worldview". Scientific researches of creativity of madame Blavatsky were represented in proceedings. Conference dedicated to Madame Blavatsky Remembrance Day (White Lotus Day), her theosophical heritage was a conceptual grounding for presented talks. Download (pdf)
![]() It was a solemn opening ceremony of the White Lotus Day at the Blavatsky and her family Museum House where were presented representatives of spiritual organizations of Ukraine, theosophists, and people interested in theosophy. It was a string quartet concert of classical music performed by Dnipropetrovsk conservatory in the House where Blavatsky was born. This conference takes place on behalf of Department of Philosophy at State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University” for many years. There were submitted papers for this conference entitled as “Contemporary World Outlook: Spiritual Aspects of Culture” from Ukraine, Russia, Belgium, Germany, USA. These contributions were dedicated to immediate contemplation on different aspects in Blavatsky studies (issues of theurgy, magic, mystical experience, pessimism, society, and education), socio-cultural and philosophical aspects of spirituality. Harmonic outcome of White Lotus Day was a vocal music concert of contemporary composers. To download proceedings, please go here ![]() National Filmmaker Union of Ukraine Igor Rodionov. He presented his book on “secrets” of Dnipropetrovsk architecture to students of Economic Institute and Faculty of Building. more... (uk)
It was invited a guest to department of philosophy, winner of Royal Belgian Academy, author of numerous monographs, philosopher and researcher Pr. Michel Weber (Brussels, Belgium). Michel Weber is specialized on process metaphysics or ‘philosophy of organism’ creator of which was Anglo-American mathematician, logician, philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. Some of his works were translated into 5 languages. A title of seminar that had been offered by M. Weber is: Stakes of Whiteheadian Process Ontology. You can download pdf-presentation here. Interpreter: assistant lecturer, Ph.D. Denys (Volodymyrovych) Zhadyaev. “I have met prof. M. Weber in Germany. It was a special honour to invite him to us. Not only because this person is from Europe – a cradle of universities – but also because he is a country fellow of Ilya Prigogine, famous book of which (‘Order out of Chaos’) contains in itself main ideas of A.N. Whitehead and is a well-worn book in the library of the university which I have been graduated from. For me personally, this occasion is a kind of received communion for me to scientific thought and society of workers in “philosophical guild”. When I have met M. Weber at the Boryspil Airport and had some talk to him, I remarked that he resembles Quixote a bit for me. He agreed, but remarked in his turn, that he does not struggle with mills” (D. Zhadyaev).
You can download a content of presentation here (en)
Video on solemn celebration of 50-th anniversary of department of philosophy (part 1) (part 2)
Power point presentation: history of department, staff
It was a 5th time when at department of philosophy are held Panukrainian philosophical These readings were impressive enough because we had many participants from: - National University “Lvivs’ka Polytechnika” and L’viv’s National Medical University - Drogobych State Pedagogical University - Kondratiuck Poltava National Engineering University - Zaporizs’kiy National University - Oles’ Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University - National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine - Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport - Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of State’s Government under president of Ukraine - Ukrainian State Chemistry-Technological University - Dnipropetrovsk State Financial Academy - Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum - “Sofia” society Many other post-graduate students, masters and undergraduate students from different According to participant’s confession, department of philosophy at State HEI “National Mining University” is, perhaps, the first which started professional meetings annually at the end of November dedicated to International day of UNESCO where actual problems of being are discussing. The impetus to this discussion was report of Pr., Dr., head of department of philosophy at National University “L’vivs’ka Polytechnika” V. L. Petrushenko on topic “Changings in Contemporary Philosophy: Metaphysics, Anthropology, Understanding of Consciousness”. It was presented a view on further being of philosophy in the way of ‘optimistic pessimism’. According to panelist philosophy experienced significant transformations under influence of ‘conflict of interpretations,’ ‘linguistic terror,’ narrative creativity of reality. A bit unlooked for, but not disappointing approach on Being, Way of Life, and Everyday Life has been suggested by Pr. Dr. Sc. (philosophy), head of Department of Philosophy at State HEI “National Mining University” Julia Shabanova. Endlessness of metaphysics as an apology for philosophy by means of appealing to meaning of life has been proved by report of Pr., Dr. Sc. (philosophy), head of Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Disciplines at Poltava National Engineering University named after Yu. Kondratiuck G. Ye. Alyaev. Vitality in the context of revival of irrational approaches to understanding of the world by rationalistic tradition – means of which even do not loose their efficiency even in contemplation of extent of reasonableness of the very reason – showed in report of Pr., Dr. Sc. (philosophy), professor at Department of Philosophy in Drogobych Pedagogical University named after V.S. Voznyak. Not less vital capacity of religious philosophy, conditioned by its critical potential, has been disclosed in the report of Ph.D., associate professor of Department of Philosophy in Discussion went to phase of sharp tension after a speech of Ph.D., professor of Department of Philosophy in Dnipropetrovsk State Financial Academy V.I. Shubin on topic of “Twilights in Philosophy” in which postmodern philosophy was criticized roughly. Because, in associate professor, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy and Economics at Lviv’s National Medical University O.P Petrushenko’s opinion entirely critical attitude towards postmodern philosophy is not justified, to some extent, because it referred to other reality, to new objects of philosophizing, to fragmental human and unusual in its way of discourse, however postmodern philosophy got tightly implanted in classical tradition. It has been merited final of philosophical talking when Pr. Dr. Sc. (philosophy) Head of Department in State HEI “National Mining University” was presenting her monograph “Theosophy from the Perspective of Philosophical and Socio-Cultural Contemplation”. So far as theosophy, which sometimes causes variety of feelings and thoughts, some of them are even strictly negative, has been presented in the context of historico-philosophical preconditions which shaped its main principles from Hellenistic to non-classical epoch. Guests got vivid impressions from the concert of classical music in execution of students from Dnipropetrovsk conservatoire named after Glinky where were performed such a pieces of music like “Gipsy Melodies” by P. Sarasate, romances by Alabyev and Chaykovsky, remixes for the guitar of Celtic folklore.
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