Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
CRW_0370---копия-shadow.jpgJulia (Olexandrivna) Shabanova,

Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Hab. Professor, Head of Department at State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”.

Prof. Shabanova is an author of the three monographs and two tutorials with Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES of Ukraine) classification mark and more than 100 scientific publications in peer-reviewed scientific issues on philosophical and
pedagogical problems.

Julia (Olexandrivna) Shabanova is a scientific adviser of three defended Ph.D.
works in the field of “History of Philosophy”. Currently, she undertakes a
scientific leadership of two Ph.D. works and one Doctoral thesis more. The
fields of scientific interests are: general issues in the history of philosophy, problems of medieval philosophy, irrational directions of Western philosophy and also questions of modern understanding of the world and spirituality as well.

Ms. Shabanova leads the work of the Centre for Aesthetical Development and Centre for Engineering Pedagogy (accredited by International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (Austria) and of the Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy as structural units of the Department of Philosophy in State HEI “National Mining University”.
Hab. Professor Shabanova delivers lectures on: “Philosophy”, “History of Philosophy” for post-graduate students and “Methodology of the Scientific Understanding” for Masters.
Julia (Olexandrivna) Shabanova has got some Commendations from the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Regional and City Government, Department of Religious Studies at Institute of Philosophy NAS of Ukraine, State HEI “National Mining University” governance. She has got a honourable title Ukraine Excellent Education Specialist.

Main works
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Issues (Philosophy)
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Issues (Pedagogy)
International Publications

e-mail: jshabanova@ukr.net
Phone (department): (0562) 47-02-11

Higher School Pedagogics: Methodical Supply for Seminars and In-Depth Training - pdf



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